Calm Mom

Your 5 week, A-Z roadmap for staying grounded and connected during difficult parenting moments


say no more, I'm in

Imagine waking up each morning with a confidence that no matter what happens between you and your children that day, you have the framework and skills to handle it. 

Some days may feel like a roller coaster (that’s toddler life for you!) but you feel an internal sense of PRESENCE and PEACE as a mom. And yes, we mean even in the really tricky moments. 

What if you could flash forward to 3, or even 6 months from now, and the things that used to trigger you to explode like a volcano in overwhelm or yelling are just… easier to handle now. You feel a sturdiness in your body. Even more, you know just what you and your child need.

Sounds like a dream, right? But it doesn't have to be just a dream:

You're breaking parenting cycles.

it can be your reality. 

Between us (Dr. Emma and Cassie) we have 5 kids who are 6 and under. And we know how hard it is to maintain a sense of calm when your child is struggling and you feel depleted.

We get it.

we can't wait to share with you the actionable, science-backed framework that will transform how you feel, and how you show up, during the most difficult parenting moments.

Just today, a mom told us:
“I keep saying I’m not going to yell. But then, in the moment, it’s like I become someone else.”  

We talked for a few minutes and knew exactly why.

Listen, we know that motherhood can be really triggering. And we've supported hundreds of moms as they've navigated early motherhood.

All of our clients who have cultivated the ability to STAY CALM and connect with their children during tough parenting moments have one core skill in common: 

Their ability to regulate their emotions.

are you ready to unlock our whole calm mom framework?

We are opening up the doors behind the scenes — and inviting you to dive-in to our exact step-by-step roadmap  for how to navigate the hardest moments of parenting!

We can't wait to empower YOU with this playbook!

Now… here comes the

who is this a perfect fit for?

You have a 1—6 year-old and you’re ready to have an evidence-based backed framework to stop yelling and feel sturdy and calm during  tricky moments

You want to be able to feel more peace every day instead of like you’re on a constant rollercoaster of stress and overwhelm

You are ready to stop telling yourself “I won’t yell again” and actually implement the simple & quick tools to PAUSE and regulate your own big feelings

Let us help you stop the cycle of snap & guilt, and finally find the calm mom inside who can handle ANYTHING your little one throws your way:

Imagine if we could wave a magic wand and *poof!* understand the triggers that are causing your reactivity. Heal them from the root. So the next time your toddler is crocodile rolling as you get him into the carseat, you’re completely unbothered as you confidently click him in. 

heal your triggers

Get out of the cycle of burnout, overwhelm and stress that leads to losing your cool as a mom. Learn exactly how to fill up your OWN cup (yes, even as a busy mom!) so you can be the mom you want to be for your child.

Say goodbye to mom guilt & shame

Science-based, and real-life tested strategies to stay calm in the heat of the moment. We’re teaching you all of our favorite rituals to regulate yourself, in LESS THAN 1 minute, for those tricky parenting situations. 

learn to stop before you react

Because let’s be honest, not a single one of us gets it right every time. And that's healthy. Know what to say when you DO lose your cool, to feel closer and connected to your little one.

Embrace the mistakes


Meet Dr. Emma Levine

Meet Cassie Gudmundson

It's one thing to imagine motherhood. It's another to be in it.

Hi we're DR. EMMA & CASSIE

We get it. Between the 2 of us, we have 5 kids who are 6 years-old and under. To say we're in the thick of the little years would be an understatement!

What so many of us don't realize when becoming moms is that 90% of being a loving, respectful parent is an inside job. Our clinical work centers around supporting moms, just like you, as they come to understand their own internal experience, triggers and reactions during difficult parenting moments. 

It really is possible to cultivate a peaceful and centered approach to mothering. 

It's one thing to imagine motherhood. It's another to be in it.

Hi we're DR. EMMA & CASSIE


I’m a clinical psychologist, founder of Perennial Wellness, with a specialization in maternal mental health, and I’m a mom to two energetic and vibrant little boys. 

I believe that every mother has the capacity to parent in ways that are authentic to her values, and that reflect a sense of sturdiness and calm. 

My mission is to elevate the mental health needs of mothers, and to increase access to evidence-based frameworks, tools and techniques so that women feel empowered to grow and heal as they mother. 

It's one thing to imagine motherhood. It's another to be in it.

Hi we're DR. EMMA & CASSIE


Hi, I’m Cassie! I’m a Toddler Parenting Coach, and mama of 3 littles ones who are all 5yo and under.

I love that this is a generation of moms who want to foster emotional intelligence, alongside raising strong kids.  

My mission, with Dr. Emma and in my own coaching, is to share my knowledge WITH real life examples -> because I understand, and I’m in the thick of it too.

And help you actually enjoy motherhood in the little years. 

A Look Inside the Playbook


We get it! Between the two of us, we have experienced working FT, PT and being a home parent. We know you're busy. AND we know the power of shifting priorities to taking care of yourself — in the most accessible way possible (aka the Playbook content is delivered in a private podcast you can pop on anytime!)

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What if I'm too busy, a working mom, etc. ?

That's amazing! This is going to go SO MUCH DEEPER than we could in a 1hr. workshop. Think of the Workshop as the tip of the iceberg, and the Playbook is the entire thing. Plus, this has extra guidance, like a roadmap, workbook & exercises that we normally save for clients. 

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What if I had the calm mom workshop already?

Once you register for the program, no refunds are offered under any circumstance. Please make sure you are 100% committed!

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Are there refunds?

This is a completely self-study program! You'll receive lifetime access to the complete program. Cassie and Emma sometimes teach bonus trainings to current students! There is also the option to upgrade to add on private Voxer coaching with Cassie or sessions with Dr. Emma. Reach out! 

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How much access do I get to Emma + Cassie?

Get a Sneak Peek! 🤍 

Add your name + email below and we'll send you 3 audio trainings directly from the Calm Mom Playbook, sent straight to your inbox!

The audios are on their way! Make sure you add 👉🏼 to your contacts and check your junk/spam if you don't see the email in 10minutes! 

Even in the trickiest toddler parenting moments.

The Calm Mom Playbook will get you back to the fun, loving, joy-filled mom you are.

Become a calm mom:

Calm Mom Playbook is…
Your A-Z roadmap for staying grounded and calm during difficult parenting moments, so you can STOP yelling & start CONNECTING.

By signing up, you will instantly receive:

• Lifetime Access to the Calm Mom Playbook Curriculum
• A Private Podcast Feed with 25+ Short Audio Trainings
• PDF Workbooks, Journal Prompts & Visuals
BONUS: Goals & Intentions Tracker
BONUS: Quick Start Roadmap Guide

and make it stick this time.

Get Instant Access
for $97

Yes, I'm in!

The information contained in this Playbook has been carefully researched and referenced by the authors, and is intended to be a source of information only. This Playbook is not a substitute for seeking advice from a trained professional. Readers are encouraged to consult with other professionals to address their specific concerns. The authors disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects arising from the application of the information contained herein.